California Crochet

After finishing Mina’s afghan I had a request to make Kwazii for Volker. Kwazii is a former pirate in the show The Octonauts. I bought a pattern from Etsy and started. But I didn’t get it finished before leaving for California. I dutifully packed all the necessary parts into my carry-on luggage, intending to work on it on the plane.

First thing I discovered – I’d brought the wrong crochet hook! I have previously travelled with my case of crochet hooks, but I also almost lost them in security at the airport, or it felt like I almost lost them. Some of my hooks came from my Grandma Roth and I do not want to lose them, so I don’t take them anymore. So no crocheting on the plane.

Trina did not have a 4mm hook, so I had to buy a new hook. In the US Amazon is really amazing; I decided to buy a set of hooks, 2mm – 6mm, for less than $10 with the exchange! a really good deal.

Once I had the right hook, it didn’t take me long to finish Kwazii. I redid his whiskers as I didn’t like the first set. Volker was pleased.Volker with KwaziiLieutenant Kwazii Mina wanted a toy too. So I crocheted another character from a pattern book that Trina had purchased. This is Tweak: IMG_0896IMG_0895Then Trina decided to try crocheting a toy while I was there to help. She chose a Vegimal, Tunip (also from the Octonauts), to start. She caught on quickly and decided to make more. Volker is quite in love with the Vegimals.IMG_0911 It’s hard to hang onto all your friends and climb around on the playground equipment too!

Mina also wanted a Vegimal, so I made one with a different yarn and smaller hookIMG_0907This is the size difference, my Codish and Trina’s Tunip:IMG_0908And here are my two favourite children

IMG_0904How I do love them!

Mina’s Birthday Party

We celebrated Mina’s 6th birthday at the Museum of Discovery in Capitola:


Mina’s Birthday

Missy Mina turned 6 today! It was a very exciting day.

Beautification Project

Our gardening committee is working hard trying to make this place look better. It is slow work, but it is happening.

Here is a view of the south-west corner of the property before we began our efforts:IMG_1658Sue, Gina and I have been working at getting all the hawthorn roots out of the ground:

These old hawthorn roots have to come out of the ground so we can plant something nicer.

Today we transplanted hostas: IMG_0790DSCF5695 Now doesn’t that look a lot better?