I firmly believe that those of us who are privilege to vote have a moral obligation to do so. Therefore, yesterday morning (October 21) the first thing I did was head to a polling station.
Now, because when I moved in June I didn’t get a mailbox key in the first month, when I changed my addresses with official government agencies I gave my work address as a mailing address. Thus the voter registration card had 800 King St E as my address. And my polling station as The Aud.
However, the election website had my home address’s polling station at Rockway Centre, and that is where I headed.
I didn’t pay close enough attention to the card, because the start time was 9:30, not 9:00 as I thought. So after waiting in line (I wasn’t the only one who made that mistake) I got to the table for special consideration. There I was told that I needed to go to The Aud to vote, they would correct my address there.
So off I go (I’m walking this morning).
I get to The Aud and have to wait in another line. Finally, at the first table I was told that I really should have voted at Rockway Centre! However, the gentleman said, “I’m not sending you back there again,” and he sent me on to the second table try to get a ballot. The woman there was very understanding and said they’d let me vote at this address and correct the address after the vote. So I did, I made my choice and I cast my ballot.
By 10:00 I was on my way home again, pleased to have done my civic duty.