A Beach Day

My purpose for coming to California is primarily to spend time with my kids. And that is what I’ve been doing. I love it! The little ones are so special!

map: Santa Clara to Pescadero Beach map: Santa Clara to Pescadero Beach[/caption]

The drive is indescribable; you have to experience it. Though the mountains, the trees, the drops, it is amazing.

We had sun and heat until about a mile from the beach when the clouds obscured the sun and the temperature dropped:

IMG_2011We put on jackets and had fun anyway:

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About 5:30 we headed home again, leaving the cloud and the cool behind:

IMG_2063It was a fun trip!

Ellen & Agnes

Today I took my mother for a road trip. We drove to Hanover — it was a lovely day for a drive — and had lunch with her sister, Ellen. Ellen is 91, two years older than Mom; they are the surviving children of Sam & Barbara (Jantzi) Roth. [Yes, I am named after my two Grandmas – Barbara and Annie (Steinmann) Gingerich.]

Ellen & Agnes
Ellen & Agnes

It was a very nice visit. But it did tire Mom out (and me, too)!

I took a moment to drop in on my good friend Marjorie Snyder (visit her blog at The Adventures of Granpa and Grandma Snyder) as I was just a block from her home. She and her granddaughters had been baking. Thanks for the chocolate chip cookies, girls!

Lalaloopsy Fashions

Here are the first two outfits, a crocheted dress with crinoline under-skirt and a short/shirt set:

Dress with under-skirt
Dress with under-skirt
shorts and top
shorts and top
buttons at the front
buttons at the front

August 6 New outfits: pajamas, sweater and socks, bloomers and shoes:

Pickle's pjs
Pickle’s pjs
sweater & socks
sweater & socks
crocheted bloomers and black shoes
crocheted bloomers and black shoes

A new top to go with the bloomers

Yellow top with white bloomers
Yellow top with white bloomers

I have blue shorts/pants in the works yet; hope to get them done before I head to California on August 14.

You only turn one once!