Lenten Challenge #9: Dial up

Today’s challenge is to prayer – specifically to pray for those in your social media “circles” or newsfeeds, or even in newspaper articles. Some years ago I made prayer cards for my Mom, with pictures and names of her family on each card. They are still in her drawer, though I don’t think she ever looks at them any more. Today I will prayer for all those who post in Facebook.

Lenten Challenge #8: Dirty Cash

Today’s challenge is to carefully consider our giving of money and to give some of it away. I regularly give money to several charities. But today I gave another donation to Mennonite Central Committee Ontario. With the earthquake in Nepal and the Syrian refugee crisis MCCO has received a lot of donations this year. But when they are earmarked for a particular cause the “regular” donations take a dip. So they have put out a special appeal. I have responded.

Lenten Challenge #7: All ears

Our challenge for today is to listen, really listen to another, without trying to think ahead to what we want to say next, but to really hear the other.

This afternoon Ruby came into the church. Her first question to me (after the niceties) was, “How is having 2 churches going for you?” I know when she asks a question she is looking for an answer This is someone who knows how to listen. I can learn from her.

Today’s Miracle

This morning when I was ready to leave for work I went to get my keys from the little dish I keep them in — my car key wasn’t there. It’s often in my coat pocket – not this time. Then I remembered that I wore my other coat earlier when I took Billie outside (and started the car to be sure it would). No, not there either. Did I put them somewhere else? But I couldn’t find them anywhere. KeysI have only one key, without it I can’t drive. The only thing I could do is try to follow the footprints Billie and I left in the snow an hour earlier. Snowy morningIt had been snowing lightly for hours, both a blessing and a curse – blessing because we left footprints, curse because they were beginning to fill in. Out into the park I went, trying to figure out which were our prints and which were made by someone else. Then I saw a little indentation in the snow, similar in size to a Billie print but with no other dog prints nearby. I dug into the snow — and found my car key! Thank God!!!

(I really need to get a spare key made.)

Lenten Challenge #6: Cupboard Love

Today’s challenge is to be good stewards of our possessions and encourages us to give away things we don’t need/use or simply give to someone who is in need.

I have been working on de-cluttering, and making a pile of things to go to “Thrift on Kent,” The Mennonite Central Committee thrift store. This includes things like a computer monitor that works fine, but I don’t need it (I tend to hang onto things because I might need it down the road), as well as clothing and other household articles.