Three Christmas Miracles

This has been my Christmas of miracles. Three happenings that make me feel so warm and loved!With a quiet house I was able to clean up, do some laundry and play with my camera.

Setting the stage:
At the beginning of this month I got a letter from the property management company of my condo corporation stating that the Board of Directors has hired a night-time security person for the building and the additional cost to me would be $58/mo beginning January 1/16. This is on top of the $17/mo increase we had on November 1/15. For me, an extra $75/mo in living expenses is very significant! How could I ever pay that and still save money for my twice yearly trips to California? And I would really like to get my sewing machine fixed. And I’d hoped to sometime save enough money to buy a new camera. I deliberately chose to work about 25/wk for pay. I try very hard to live within my means. I am extremely careful about making purchases. But how could I manage this?

Miracle #1
Wednesday morning at work, Nancy (pastor) and Kathy (treasurer) informed me that the Leadership Team at FMC had decided to increase both my and Tracy’s (custodian) salary to $20/hr because we are worth it! For me a more than 10% increase. Thank you, First Mennonite Church!

Miracle #2
I prefer to give my daughter money for Christmas, to buy a membership at the Children’s Discovery Museum instead of giving my grandchildren more toys. But this year, with the Canadian dollar so devalued against the American dollar, my $150 would barely break $100 USD.
On Christmas Eve, at our Burkard family gathering, my brother-in-law, Peter, handed me five twenty dollar US bills! He had been going some of through Vati’s papers (my father-in-law died ten years ago) and found $300 USD. He kept one hundred, gave his brother and me each $100. So I was able to give Trina $100 USD and $50 CAD for the kids’ Christmas gift.

Miracle #3
Back in July, when I spent a weekend with friends in Southampton, while walking on the beach I put a rock into my camera bag, carefully covered it with the microfibre cloth I carry to clean the lens. My intent was to crochet a cover for it. All would have been well if I’d removed the stone when I returned from my walk. I didn’t. The next morning, again walking on the beach, taking photos, I continually put my camera, lens first into the camera bag without the lens cover. By the time I’d covered two kilometers the lens had a couple of terrific scratches. Depending on how the light hit the lens it could totally ruin the picture. But unable to buy a new camera I continued to use my Fuji.
On Christmas morning my children surprised me with a new Canon EOS Rebel 5T, with two lenses – 18-55mm and 75-300 mm, and a camera bag big enough to keep the stones separate from the lenses! Thank you, Simon and Christine, Trina and Gary! You are the best kids a mother could have!

I am deeply grateful to God for this season of miracles!

Meditation on Ephesians 3:16-19

Praying in colour is a way to talk with God. I’ve been meditating on this short passage, the writer’s prayer for people in Ephesus he loved. I decided to used colours to make various ideas stand out.Eph 3.16-19 Gold: I love that this prayer starts with God’s riches in glory and ends with the fullness of God.

Green: The writer invokes God, the Spirit, Jesus and then all the saints. Before us. After us. All of us.

Pink: “You” and “your” is talking about a group of people, not just one person. We need each other, this life is not for lone living.

Purple: Our hearts and inner being are critical to knowing…

Red: love – God’s, Christ’s, the Spirit’s, the saint’s, in all dimensions. Love is the central point.

Blue: This is what the writer wants for us – strength, power, rooted and grounded, comprehension, to know beyond knowledge, to be filled with God, to perfectly reflect our Creator.

Such a beautiful prayer!

More berries

This has been an amazing berry year. I don’t know where all the birds are, but they are not stripping the bushes and trees.

On the neighbouring property there are three weeping mulberry bushes that are loaded with berries. IMG_0454Thursday evening my favourite man helped me collect two berry boxes of black mulberries. So sweet! mulberries

I made mulberry “jam” – not real jam because I added less than 1 cup of sugar, the berries didn’t need more sweetness than that. IMG_0449I was surprised to find that the fruit did not become mush. I think next time I will use a hand blender to mash the cooked berries before putting them in jars. This time it is basically putting mulberries on your toast, but that is delicious too!

On Friday afternoon, before leaving work I went outside and collected as many Saskatoon berries as I could reach. This tree is at First Mennonite Church, but most of the berries are out of reach.IMG_0473…which is really a shame, because the tree is loaded!IMG_0477I got about 1.5 cups of berries,IMG_0452so I used half in a dozen muffins (my favourite recipe from “More with Less Cookbook“) DSCF5381and put the other three-quarter cup into the freezer for another time.

On Saturday afternoon, after walking by the blackberry bushes again,IMG_0456I decided to leave Billie inside and take the berry boxes outside. Another box of blackberries.IMG_0459I really wanted to be able to share some of this bounty with my mother, but she has trouble eating these kinds of fruit because the little seeds get under her dentures and cause discomfort. Looking on the internet I found a recipe for Blackberry Coulis (syrup) for which you strain out the seeds. It took a little more effort, but it is definitely worth the results!IMG_0480And one of the wonderful things about all these berries — they were free.

The Wall

For many years now, probably since Mom and Dad moved into this building in 1997, there has been talk about putting up a sound barrier between our street and the expressway. Traffic noise was so loud I would have to close my windows to talk on the phone, I couldn’t stay out on my balcony very long as it was just too uncomfortable for the ears and I never left my bedroom window open all night. Once we were told the wall would happen built in 2012. Nothing. Ah, this is the magic year. We finally have a wall!

It started on May 19th:


On the morning of May 26th I was so excited to see the sound barrier slabs going in:

IMG_0352I went up onto my balcony and recorded a few seconds of the sound. On Friday afternoon (May 29), when with just half a wall in front of our building, no further work had been done on the wall for 2 days I recorded again.

To my great surprise, yesterday (June 5) I came home from work to find much of the wall finished. Once again I recorded a few seconds of sound. You can hear for yourself what difference the wall makes.

Last night I slept with the window open about 3 inches! I expect to spend more time on my balcony this year.