For today’s challenge we are asked to invite someone new – however we might want to do that. Hhmmm … still not feeling up to that kind of challenge. Amazing how much this trip has taken out of me. I am just enjoying a stay-at-home day.
Lenten Challenge #33: Hats Off
Today we are being asked to give a compliment to one or five or as many people as we can.
Since starting on this Lenten journey I have made a much greater effort to see the people around me, to greet strangers. It’s a good feeling.
Lenten Challenge #32: Anon
Today we are challenged to do something kind for someone anonymously.
I am feeling so exhausted these days that I can’t come up with a good plan. I think I will defer this one.
Lenten Challenge #31: Beeline
“…make a beeline for someone today and strike up a conversation.” This is the challenge for today – to be generous with our words.
Today I am exhausted. I had breakfast with 2 of my former neighbours plus was part of a planning meeting for church. I tried to visit Mom, but she was in a church service at the home; my head was beginning to ache and so I left. This is a challenge to leave for another day.
Lenten Challenge #30: Margins
Who are the people in the margins in your life, your city or neighbourhood, the world? The most basic challenge today is to simply make eye contact and smile.
Walking through airports with the masses of people hurrying and scurrying it is hard to make eye contact. But it is also a delight when it happens and a smile is returned.
I also ready Kelly Nikondeha’s article in SheLoves magazine on Burundi. She writes:
Please keep your eyes trained on Burundi. She may not grace the front page of the international news section all that often or make the prayers of the people in church each Sunday, but she is here and in need of our solidarity.
So I will read more about Burundi and keep her in my prayers.
And one more place to listen to the marginalized: LGBTQ community within the Mennonite Church