Lenten Challenge #29: BOGOF

For a long time I didn’t know what BOGO stood for; now I do “Buy one Get one.” Today’s challenge is along that line – buy one for yourself and one for someone else.

Finding WinnieBefore heading to California I bought two picture storybooks for my grandchildren, only to discover that they already had one of them, the true story of the bear behind “Winnie the Pooh”. In consultation with Trina and Mina I decided rather than carry it home again, I’d give the one I brought to the pre-school/daycare centre (Building Kidz Scotts Valley) Mina and Volker attend. I hope the book is well loved there!

Lenten Challenge #28: Show and tell

Today we are challenged to share our skills, talents, insights and experiences with others. Again, I do this regularly on my job. 

Recently I created a slideshow for a woman from FMC. Liz was giving a seniors’ group the story of her life so I scanned pictures and put them together according to her script. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed getting to know Liz better. 

At other times in my life I have taught smocking and crochet. I enjoy teaching. And sharing my skills is very fulfilling. 

Lenten Challenge #27: Worth the wait

Today’s challenge in generosity is to be especially considerate and grateful to the many people who serve you in a day. The people behind the counter in stores and businesses, the wait staff in a restaurant, the crew of the aircraft — every day we are served by others. Acknowledge them with genuine attention. 

I was blessed this morning when Kristie, the woman who cleans at Trina’s house once a week, greeted me with a hug. I’d never actually met her before though I’d seen  her on a video chat. And I’m not a very ‘huggy’ person (like my beloved sister, Cheryl) but it felt good to be greeted so warmly this morning. I want to pass that on.
   And on an entirely different note, it is raining here again today.  The forecast is for the weather to clear up on Tuesday – the day I leave at 5:00am!  Oh, well, I just keep reminding myself how much California needs the water. 

Lenten Challenge #26: Bake off

Today’s challenge: to make someone’s day with a treat.

Trina & VolkerToday is my beloved daughter’s 37th birthday. I’m so grateful for her, so in awe of the person she is.

We will be celebrating her birthday with a dinner out, but on the weekend I will take the grandkids to buy a very special birthday cake for a very special woman.

Lenten Challenge #25: Word up

Today we are challenged to share a Bible verse with others.

A verse that has been very significant to me for much of my life is from Psalm 139 love the whole psalm, but especially verse 13

For it was you who formed my inward parts;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

My mother did not want ten kids. When she was pregnant for the fifth time she was very resentful and unhappy. She had four little boys under the age of 5; she did not want another baby. And then, she told me, I was born the little girl her heart desired, and she promised God she would never resent another pregnancy no matter how many she had.

I felt bad, not glad, when she told me this. I felt like I was somehow responsible for the large family, all the work.

But when I found this verse it was like ointment on a wound. God knew me and loved me from the beginning. God was there with me in my mother’s womb. Thanks be to God.