On Saturday, May 23, 2015 Matthew Burkard and Tamara Kingsbury celebrated their marriage at Maitland Manor, Maitland, Ontario.
A Bridal Shower for Haley
On Saturday, April 18, Cindy and Megan hosted a bridal shower for their daughter/sister-in-law-to be, Haley Post. A number of Justin’s aunts and cousin came to celebrate. Megan, of course, knows how to throw a party! Thank you, ladies. It was fun!
Easter bunny

When I saw this bookmark from DROPS Design I thought about the bedtime ritual in Scotts Valley, CA. Gary reads Mina to sleep almost every night. His favourite book lately is The Rootabaga Stories by Carl Sandburg.
The first time I heard Mina’s bedtime story I wondered to myself, “What was that author smoking when he wrote that?!” But the wonderful effect of the author’s nonsense repetition and Gary soft reading voice put both me and the little girl to sleep in short order!
I have had a lot of trouble sleeping over the years. I’ve tried various remedies, but none have been so effective as listening to “Winnie the Pooh.” Again, the narrator’s voice and the fact that I don’t need to listen to the story to find out what happens next (because I know the story well) allows my mind to calm and drift off with the words. Other stories in my playlist include Peter Dennis reading “The House at Pooh Corner,” Christopher Milne’s auto-biographies, “The Enchanted Places: Beyond the World of Pooh, Part 1″ & “The Path through the Trees: Beyond the World of Pooh, Part 2″; “The Little Prince” by I’m all in favour of Gary recording his readings — it would be as effective as any of the books this playlist!

California March 2015
Click the little box, top right corner for full screen and the i bottom left for the caption.
We’ve had a few record-breaking cold days and nights (University of Waterloo weather station):
My wee dog is not built for the cold! That means when she goes outside to do the necessary, she runs back in as soon as possible. But she is also a small dog with lots of energy. When she runs like a mad fool around the apartment I feel bad for my “below” neighbours.
Today, by 11:30 a.m., with the sun shining brightly in the window, Billie started begging to go outside. So I put on her ‘boots’ — not an easy task, holding a squirming dog and at the same time trying to pull these boots on limp feet — her wool sweater and her windbreaker coat. And out we went.
The problem with the boots is she thinks she needs to run when she’s wearing them. It is very hard to slow her down.
I let her choose the route, mostly. We were out for about half an hour; I think she might have stayed out longer had I not wanted to come in. Her boots never came off in spite of her prancing and pawing.
When we got in this is what Environment Canada was saying (Breslau Airport):
Friday, February 20, this morning it is -26 at the airport, so I said to Billie, “Come, let’s go outside. But we’re going to put your boots on because it is so cold.” Instead of running to me at the door, she jumped off the couch and went and curled up in the corner of the recliner! I put her boots on her anyway. We made it just around the corner on Southmoor before she hurried back home to the warmth.