Made some clothes for Mina’s new baby:

I need to think about footwear next.
Her wig has arrived in Campbell. We will need to figure out how to attach it securely, yet have it removable for laundering.

Barbara's Creative Projects
I’m not very happy with the face. It’s been too long since I made one and I had no instructions — only an original doll to look at.
She will get a wig once we get to California — I ordered one from Kemper Dolls. Next I need to make some clothes for this baby to wear in sunny California.
Yes, I could be doing bookkeeping…
Started sewing the doll today. Less than 2 hours into it and my back is aching – not used to bending over the sewing machine.
I’d forgotten that the seam allowances are 1/8″ – makes sewing them a challenge! I put tissue back under the piece to start a seam as that helps to prevent the seam allowance from going down into the machine. I sewed a straight first then zigzagged the allowance. Body and legs are done.