Two Volkers
This has long been my favourite photograph of Volker and our kids; now, it seems, it is a favourite of our grandchildren too.I took it after Peter and Laura Burkard’s wedding – Trina had been their flowergirl – one year before Volker’s death.
Since moving into their new home Trina and Gary have had family photos sitting on the floor of the stair landing. Little Volker has just learned to climb those stairs. This is what happened:
Trina says he has very little interest in any of the other pictures, just the ones with Grampa in them.
Mina recently was “missing Grampa Volker,” so that photo is now hanging in the children’s bedroom.
Christmas Eve Dedication
In the Mennonite Church babies are not baptized, adults are. However, we do have a Parent/Child Dedication service. As part of the Christmas Eve service at Bloomingdale Mennonite Church (after the ice storm put an end to Sunday’s service) my little grandson, Volker William Burkard Gehiere was dedicated with his parents and the whole congregation.
Text written by Trina, read by Gary:
“I think when we name our children the names we chose are often really wishes we would like to bestow upon them. There is something that speaks to us in the name that we want to pass to our child, it may be frivolous or psychological but there is something.
In the case of our little boy it is more so the latter. The wishes are many and varied but most if not all go back to the name and the man he was named for, his grandfather, Volker Willi Walter Burkard. We wish him to be kind and compassionate with a great sense of humour, a maker, someone with a wonderful spiritual life, a beautiful loving person.
Today I hope we are helping him in some small way fulfill those wishes.”
Barb Smith-Morrison’s blessing as she carried Volker through the congregation:
Volker, God loves you. May you grow to love God and to serve humanity. May the gracious Spirit of Christ and the fellowship of God’s people bless your life this day and all days.
The congregation’s commitment:
Gary and Trina, we support your calling as parents and accept our calling to love, support and encourage you. We offer the gift of ourselves, our lives and example to nurture your family as you grow.
Volker and Mina, we pledge you our care and love. We promise to encourage you as you grow into all that God has created you to be. We welcome you.
Mina mail
I’ve been mailing little items to Mina because she loves to get “Mina mail.”
I was very thrilled last week myself when I got my first “Gramma mail” from Mina – a birthday present: ladybugs she made in nursery school; and other letters she created, that now hang on my fridge…

I have a new item to send now, a crocheted hat (pattern from Yarn Blossom Boutique) — one hat, two interchangeable flowers. I had to use a doll for a model, I hope it will fit my favourite girl! I used bits of my stash, mostly Caron Simply Soft. Hook size 5mm.
Update: December 1, 2013
As I suspected, the hat is a little small for Mina. Thankfully, she doesn’t seem to mind. I think I will make another, using a larger hook size, for when they come to Ontario. Trina send a video clip:
A movie
I’m having internet difficulties again, so posting may be sporatic. Today I want to add a link to a movie I created on the animoto website.
The Burkard family and the Fotheringham family had a lot of fun together, especially at Point Clark. These are some of the memories.