The sky this evening was absolutely stunning! I’ve already packed my camera for my trip so I had only my iPhone to take these pictures. I think this is the most amazing sunset I’ve seen since the one Volker and I experienced on Vancouver Island many many years ago.
Northern Flicker
This is another very shy bird. The first time I saw it today my camera was across the room; I was afraid if I moved it would fly. After the bird found a peanut it took it into the tree and then flew away.
I went and got my camera and looked for the tripod. Before I spotted it I realize the Flicker was back. So without the benefit of the tripod and through a window the sun was shining on, I took these photos.
The Flicker is a messy eater (like the Downie woodpeckers) flinging seeds they don’t want to eat out till they find the ones they like. Other birds will happily pick up what’s left on the ground.
We’ve had a week of unusually warm weather. Daytime highs reached 14C with lows above zero. It has meant most of the snow is gone. It also has brought out some unusual birds. [see below]
One that I didn’t get picture of is the ruffed grouse which I’ve heard a number of times and actually saw twice this week. I’m thrilled. It’s very hard to find because of it’s camouflage is very effective!As I may never actually get a picture, I will add one from Wikipedia.

Since bringing Mom’s bird feeder home I’ve really enjoyed watching for birds! So much fun.
Winter Flowers
Winter Garden
It’s been so mild the last few days, nearly all the snow is gone. I took my camera out to “the back 40” to look for beauty.