Mina has discovered the joy of dressing and undressing her dolls and no longer needs a lot of help from her Mom. Trina asked if I could make some clothes for her buddies. I do enjoy making doll clothes, but I really want to have a model when I do it. I want to know the finished item will fit properly.
As well, today there was a birthday party for my great-nieces, and I needed to get a gift. Because Mina loves her Lalaloopsie buddies so much I thought maybe the twins would also like them.
The Target store just opened across the expressway from my house so I went over at opening, 8:00 o’clock this morning. They had a few Lalaloopsies, but nothing I really liked. I decided to bite the bullet and go to Fairway Road to ToysRUs. They weren’t open that early. But Walmart was. As a practice I avoid Walmart (dislike of some of their business practices) but today I went. I found what I was looking for:

Why Pickles B.T.L.? Because she has rollerskates, just like my favourite little girl:

And for Maya and Makayla I found soft dolls (I can’t quite understand the love of these hard plastic, heavy-headed dolls myself) Ember Flicker Flame and Mittens Fluff’nStuff.

So now I can begin making doll clothes. I have crocheted a shrug and shoes which will be mailed to California on Monday. I am working on a dress. So more posts will be coming.