I decided once again to attempt to knit. It’s not that I can’t do it, it just that it is not very comfortable for me, so I am slow, and my tension very uneven, thus I usually give up without finishing what I started.
This time I decided to tackle a little project: fingerless mitts for tiny hands. Using the Sirdar Click that I had used for Billie’s sweater I followed a pattern I found on the internet. What you see in the photo is #2 & 3 — the first attempt I undid after doing the second because the tension wasn’t even close! These are still too big for my little girl, I’m afraid, but she will (God willing) grow into them. Next, I want to do the adult size.

I also pulled out a project from a number of years ago — a ruffled scarf. I didn’t have enough of the original yarn to finish it, back when I was living on Ruskview Rd. So I found something close – Bernat’s Baby Sparkle. I also didn’t have the pattern, don’t remember where I found the pattern, so I tried to follow what was already done. I don’t think I did it 100% right, but it’s OK. And it is finished!

And then (why work on one thing when you can have many projects on the go at once?), I started a pair of “Adironak Socks” from the Fall ’09 Interweave Crochet magazine. I’m having a little trouble around the heel gusset, but I’m plugging away. Yarn is Kertzer’s On Your Toes (75% wool, 25% nylon with aloe vera) in shades of green.