We moved to a farm in North Easthope when I was in Grade 2. Papa drove us the 2 miles to school in the morning, but we walked home in the afternoon. All the farm kids walked, so we started off in a big group that lost members as we went along. By the time we got to the crossroads only the Gingerich kids were left — my brothers and me. They weren’t interested in waiting for a dawdling sister so by the time I turned the corner they were already out of sight.
The farm buildings on the corner were close to the road. There was often a large, loud German Shepherd tied to the corner of the barn that barked ferociously at passers-by. I was very afraid of that dog. I was afraid to even walk past it, though it could not come out onto the road. Feeling frightened I crossed the ditch, climbed the fence to put a barrier between me and that animal. But as I landed on the other side of the fence I startled a snake! It slithered off, but now I was crying in earnest, unable to move. I had no idea how to get home for there were terrors everywhere!
And then I saw my Mother walking down the road. She told me much later that she’d been ironing that day when she had the feeling she should walk down the road to meet her children. When the boys came on without me she just kept going. We are both so grateful for that prodding of the Spirit.