Signs of Spring

Spring 2015 has been very slow in coming, but coming she is! Here are the signs I’ve seen over the last few days. (I will be adding pictures as more spring things appear.)

Update: May 10 – I’m adding the last pictures to this series. This past week we seemed to move from spring to summer, though spring is supposed to make a return appearance in a few days. Thirty degree Celsius weather has meant leaves popped out on the trees, the dandelions have taken over the fields and lawns wherever they can and many flowers have bloomed and faded in a hurry.

May 4, 2015

This year I’ve been fascinated with “tree flowers.” After the long cold winter it is so wonderful to see the trees in my neighbourhood coming back to life. And perhaps on this day of all days I need to see new life.


How old do you look?

I just had some fun with Microsoft’s “How Old Do I Look?” website
Here are some results:

(Note: you may want to read this article before uploading photos to this site: Wish I had.)

A Bridal Shower for Haley

On Saturday, April 18, Cindy and Megan hosted a bridal shower for their daughter/sister-in-law-to be, Haley Post. A number of Justin’s aunts and cousin came to celebrate. Megan, of course, knows how to throw a party! Thank you, ladies. It was fun!

Easter bunny

My “Squished Bunny” bookmark

When I saw this bookmark from DROPS Design I thought about the bedtime ritual in Scotts Valley, CA. Gary reads Mina to sleep almost every night. His favourite book lately is The Rootabaga Stories by Carl Sandburg.

The first time I heard Mina’s bedtime story I wondered to myself, “What was that author smoking when he wrote that?!” But the wonderful effect of the author’s nonsense repetition and Gary soft reading voice put both me and the little girl to sleep in short order!

I have had a lot of trouble sleeping over the years. I’ve tried various remedies, but none have been so effective as listening to “Winnie the Pooh.” Again, the narrator’s voice and the fact that I don’t need to listen to the story to find out what happens next (because I know the story well) allows my mind to calm and drift off with the words. Other stories in my playlist include Peter Dennis reading “The House at Pooh Corner,” Christopher Milne’s auto-biographies, “The Enchanted Places: Beyond the World of Pooh, Part 1″ & “The Path through the Trees: Beyond the World of Pooh, Part 2″; “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, & “Dragon Tales” by Kenneth Grahame and Edith Nesbet. I’m all in favour of Gary recording his readings — it would be as effective as any of the books this playlist!

Bunny marking a place in another Classic before heading to California.