Memories of my Mother

We moved to a farm in North Easthope when I was in Grade 2. Papa drove us the 2 miles to school in the morning, but we walked home in the afternoon. All the farm kids walked, so we started off in a big group that lost members as we went along. By the time we got to the crossroads only the Gingerich kids were left — my brothers and me. They weren’t interested in waiting for a dawdling sister so by the time I turned the corner they were already out of sight.

The farm buildings on the corner were close to the road. There was often a large, loud German Shepherd tied to the corner of the barn that barked ferociously at passers-by. I was very afraid of that dog. I was afraid to even walk past it, though it could not come out onto the road. Feeling frightened I crossed the ditch, climbed the fence to put a barrier between me and that animal. But as I landed on the other side of the fence I startled a snake! It slithered off, but now I was crying in earnest, unable to move. I had no idea how to get home for there were terrors everywhere!

And then I saw my Mother walking down the road. She told me much later that she’d been ironing that day when she had the feeling she should walk down the road to meet her children. When the boys came on without me she just kept going. We are both so grateful for that prodding of the Spirit.

Gingerich family, 1964
Gingerich family, 1964

Two Volkers

This has long been my favourite photograph of Volker and our kids; now, it seems, it is a favourite of our grandchildren too.Simon, Volker & Trina, April 1985I took it after Peter and Laura Burkard’s wedding – Trina had been their flowergirl – one year before Volker’s death.

Since moving into their new home Trina and Gary have had family photos sitting on the floor of the stair landing. Little Volker has just learned to climb those stairs. This is what happened:

Trina says he has very little interest in any of the other pictures, just the ones with Grampa in them.

Mina recently was “missing Grampa Volker,” so that photo is now hanging in the children’s bedroom.

May 4 ~ 28 years

Emily Dickinson said, “‘hope’ is the thing with feathers – that perches in the soul -…”. What then is grief?

“Grief” is the thing of stone
That perches in the soul –
And presses hard without a sound –
And never stops – at all –   (BB)

Volker died 28 years ago. Incredible. Can it really be? Time is such a peculiar thing.

This is one day of the year I “take off” — I take off from work, from socialization. I spend it mostly alone with my dog. Once again this year I headed to Goderich, to the water, to a leash-free dog park.

I think what I like most about my day off is that both grief and hope reside without conflict in my soul.

A new Camera —

— new to me, that is. I bought a used Fuji Finepix HS10 on-line from Henry’s. [As a side note, I agreed to an online price, but when Henry’s had a sale that I didn’t know about they refunded $50!]

The camera I’ve been using for the last several years, an Olympus SP-570UZ had too many trips in my carry-on luggage, I think: the auto focus mostly didn’t work, and much of the time I couldn’t put it to manual focus either. I do use my iPhone to take pictures and video clips and I bought a little Fuji XP60 when I was in California in March but neither of these two can take the kind of pictures I want to take. I didn’t want to spend $500 or more so I shopped used from a reputable dealer. (I wasn’t ready to buy used on Kijiji or eBay.)

I am happy with my purchase. First 2 pictures out of the box taken from the same vantage point:first2Yesterday morning, just before I was leaving for work, I heard a commotion on my balcony. I looked out to see Mr & Mrs House-Finch. She was busy stealing fibres from my planter. He was preening and standing guard:

(Because of re-sizing these pictures aren’t as crisp as the originals.)

I am quite pleased with my new toy!