My Billie B

In July of 2010 a puppy, about four months old, was left at the KW Humane Society accompanied by a paper suggesting she was part pug, part Staffordshire terrier. Now Staffordshire terriers are a banned breed in Ontario, therefore not adoptable. The staff at KWHS decided to foster this little female for awhile to see if that breed was going to show. So Christine, my daughter-in-law (now in charge of adoptions at KWHS) took Billie home.

My beloved Shazdeh had developed cancer and I had had her put down in early February that year. I had decided that as long as I lived in a third floor apartment I would not get another dog. However, Simon and Christine were quite certain that Billie, as the puppy was now named, would be a wonderful pet for me. One weekend in September, when Billie was given the OK to be adopted my kids asked if I’d puppy-sit — an opportunity to “try out” the pet before I committed. Ha! Like I was going to say “no” after that.

BillieBillie is a sweet girl, a dear companion. But I’m frequently asked what breed she is. Not knowing for sure I reply, “part pug, part terrier”. Several weeks ago Christine brought me a Wisdom Panel® Shelter Dog DNA testing kit. Here is a chance to find out Billie’s ancestry. I subsequently swabbed Billie’s cheeks and sent away the sample. This morning I got the results. Here they are — and no Staffordshire Terrier in the mix!

Billie's ancestoryBillie's ancestory 2


Today I fly to California. But today I blew it. In my mind the plane was leaving at 8:30; in fact, it left at 6:30 when I was on my way to the airport. I am so disappointed!

I have re-booked so that I will arrive in San Jose at ten this evening, instead of 1:30 this afternoon. Means I miss Mina’s ballet class. 🙁

I’ve often had dreams of getting to the airport and not having my passport, have never had a nightmare like this. It speaks to the power of our minds being able to believe something in the face of facts. I saw the boarding time on my pass – 05:50 – and still it didn’t click in my brain that the flight left at 6:30.

Now how to fill these extra hours…


I am so very grateful to the women of Bloomingdale Mennonite Church for their willingness to do the actually quilting on my mother’s quilt. Work was started on it today at Kathleen’s home:

Helping today: Kathleen, Marie, Lorrie, Ailene, Sharon, Lois, Linda, Trish and me. By four o’clock this afternoon the quilt was a little better than half done! So grateful!