Yet another project finished

Last year I made a pair of monkey slippers for my grandbaby; I started the toy monkey that matched, but never finished it. Now Mina can wear the slippers, but only wants to play with the monkey heads. I decided it was time to finish the toy monkey.


The baby gets clothes

Made some clothes for Mina’s new baby:

Watermelon sweater

I need to think about footwear next.

Her wig has arrived in Campbell. We will need to figure out how to attach it securely, yet have it removable for laundering.


Another project finished!

It feels very good to at last have Mina’s watermelon sweater finished. I also made a matching sweater for her new baby (who does not yet have any other clothes).

watermelon sweater
Mina's watermelon sweater

A productive day

I had very “Mennonite Mama” kind of a day. I made baba ghanouj (OK, that’s a Middle Eastern influence, not a Mennonite one), pickled beets, dill pickles, muffins, and bumbleberry jam, besides finishing Mina’s doll.
