Watermelons and Lattice
Marjorie and I drove to Paris this morning to visit Mary Maxim’s. Our biggest purchases were magazines. Some wonderful patterns!
I have started a new “Mini Wrap Sweater” for my favourite baby, this time in a larger size. I chose to make it green and pink – a little watermelon. The yarn is Caron Simply Soft Brites, using hook 4.5 mm — I’m switching to a 5.5 hook.
In the newest Crochet Today! (May/June 2010) magazine is a “Lattice & Swirls Top.” I think I will use the thread I originally bought for Mina’s dress to make this top. Thread is Nazli Gelin’s Garden; hook is 3.5mm.
Another finished project
So the red outfit is done. I am very “rusty” at this. I forgot to hem the upper edge of the sundress before I gathered it, and it certainly can’t be done afterward! So I had to put bias on instead of having it ruffle. I also didn’t have enough fabric to make bloomers and the bias, so I used purchased red bias to finish it off.
The dress is not hemmed (just folded up for the picture), Trina will have to do that when she gets the outfit.
My Favourite Model
The package arrived in Campbell. Here’s clip (from a recorded Skype call) of my baby in her new dress:
And the green sweater
Smocked Sundress
Next project: a smocked sundress for Mina. I made one like this for each of my nieces – except for the last 2 :-(. Here is a photo of Jean, Sheena and John, from 1988. Sheena is wearing the sundress I made for her.
Here is the fabric and threads I have chosen. (yellow: JPC 2003[231]; green: DMC 369; blue DMC 796) I haven’t yet decided on a pattern for the smocking.

There will be little matching bloomers as well.