The Wall

For many years now, probably since Mom and Dad moved into this building in 1997, there has been talk about putting up a sound barrier between our street and the expressway. Traffic noise was so loud I would have to close my windows to talk on the phone, I couldn’t stay out on my balcony very long as it was just too uncomfortable for the ears and I never left my bedroom window open all night. Once we were told the wall would happen built in 2012. Nothing. Ah, this is the magic year. We finally have a wall!

It started on May 19th:


On the morning of May 26th I was so excited to see the sound barrier slabs going in:

IMG_0352I went up onto my balcony and recorded a few seconds of the sound. On Friday afternoon (May 29), when with just half a wall in front of our building, no further work had been done on the wall for 2 days I recorded again.

To my great surprise, yesterday (June 5) I came home from work to find much of the wall finished. Once again I recorded a few seconds of sound. You can hear for yourself what difference the wall makes.

Last night I slept with the window open about 3 inches! I expect to spend more time on my balcony this year.

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