
I do love geraniums, their bright colours, the ease of care.

Last fall I pulled all of my geraniums and the geraniums at First Mennonite out of the soil, shook the dirt off the roots put the whole plant into paper yard waste bags. I then put them into cool, dark storage for the winter.

Out of its winter sleeping bag.

I think they would have been happier if I had taken them out sooner, but once again I left the task to the end of March. I always have a few plants that don’t survive, and this year I learn an important lesson — don’t try to put too many into one bag! I did that with the church’s geraniums, and most of them died and got moldy.

A moldy mess. Only the top layer of plants survived.

I sort through the dried leaves and stems to find the ones with some green or evidence of life. I take off much of the dead stuff (though sometimes what looks dead isn’t actually, so I wait and see with some of it). Then I line the pot with brown paper towel to prevent the soil from coming out of the drainage holes and fill the pot with soil.

Plants and pots

My spare bedroom is a nice bright locations so it becomes my greenhouse.

Potted plants on a vinyl table cloth in front of the window the spare room.

I have seven of my own geraniums this year, including a trailing plant — first time I’ve had one survive the winter, and twelve from the church.

One of my plants that is several years old, greening nicely.
One of my plants that is several years old.

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