Lenten Challenge #13: Second Fiddle

For some of us, relinquishing control and sacrificing our own agendas or plans is difficult. …” So the challenge for today is to put someone else’s needs/desires head of your own.

OK, my first reaction is – I do this many times a day! This is how my mother lived, what I and my sisters were taught as little girls, it is especially true if you want to be “a good wife” (so I was taught) – that others’ needs were more important than our own.

My job as administrative assistant is based on fulfilling others’ needs. So much of my job involves stopping whatever task I was working on to help someone else. I am not complaining, I love my job (most of the time). Just sayin’ playing second fiddle is something I do all the time.

I think for many of us women learning to give some priority to our own needs is what we need to practice. IMG_0386 (1)

With today’s ice storm the church was even quieter than yesterday! And I think I had only 2 phone calls to interrupt what I was doing.

2 Replies to “Lenten Challenge #13: Second Fiddle”

  1. While this attitude was perhaps taught more explicitly to you girls, it was a life view that was absorbed by all of us based on the example of both of our parents. In my case, I struggle with the fact that, at times, my wife and family get treated more as an extension of myself rather than as ‘others’.

    1. I agree, John, that this was an aspect of the culture we grew up in (as is Mom’s inability to feel lovable if she’s not useful). And boundaries can be had to find sometimes. It’s easier for me now that I live alone. 🙂

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