The fragility of life

My Beloved Man had a frightening experience recently, though I think perhaps it frightened me more than it frightened him.

Some months ago he got a metal sliver in his left-hand ring finger. Over time his body built up a callous around it. That finger started to swell, until one evening it throbbed and pained him so much he couldn’t sleep. The next morning he decided to seek medical treatment.

At the urgent care clinic a doctor started poking around, trying to find the metal culprit when, because of the pain he was feeling, she decided his finger need to be frozen. She got a “big, huge” needle and almost immediately my Beloved Man fainted.

When he came to there were several doctors and assorted medical personnel surrounding him, moving him to an ambulance stretcher.  He’d been hooked up for defibrillation though he’s not sure if he was shocked or not. Regardless, this man got up, insisting that he was fine. The medical staff tried to convince him otherwise, but he was determined to leave. He had to sign a paper saying he wouldn’t drive and they saw him into a taxi.

Like that would work with my stubborn man. He had the taxi stop out of sight of the clinic, walked back, got  into his own car and drove to work!

His memory around all of this is uncertain.
I have a hundred questions with no answers. But what I’m left with is this –
life is fragile, you don’t know when or how it might be taken from you.

Live today!

4 Replies to “The fragility of life”

  1. Yup, for sure Barb. Live today but DO expect there to be a tomorrow – or in other words – without fear. ;v)

    1. The swelling is down considerably, but the foreign material is still in there. He is to have it removed at the hospital and has made no move to get it done. ?

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